A Checklist For Getting SR-22 Auto Insurance


The name sr-22 insurance is very misleading because it is not really auto insurance. A sr-22 is a certificate that essentially is used to show proof of holding auto insurance. A sr-22 certificate is held so that it shows that you are in compliance with the requirements set out by your state for car insurance. Usually, the requirements by your state for car insurance needs to be met for 3 years.

26 November 2017

Important Things To Consider When Purchasing Car Insurance For New Drivers


The sweet sixteen birthday is such a beautiful and iconic milestone in the lives of teens in this country. A huge part of this rite of passage is the new ability to drive and operate automobiles. If you have a teen who is about to gain this new freedom, then you need to start looking for the right car insurance policy to protect you and your teen. This article will cover some of the most important things for you to consider as you make this important decision.

25 January 2017