Car Insurance – Never Underestimate Its Importance

My name is James Frank. I’m glad you stopped by my website. I’ve always carried automobile insurance because it’s the law. I never paid much attention to my coverage; I paid my premiums and like most folks moaned about the small annual increases. One day I was driving in a city I wasn’t familiar with and was looking for addresses on the buildings. All of a sudden I look in front of me and I’m about to hit another vehicle. I had run a red light and ended up totaling not only my car, but the other driver’s car, too. I have never been so grateful for my car insurance. Fortunately, there were no medical bills, but two cars had to be replaced. It turns out that I have excellent coverage. I’ve since learned lots about car insurance and hope to share some of it with you.

Why You Need To Consider Renters Insurance


Many renters love the lifestyle of renting because it means they do not have many of the responsibilities that come with owning a home. Unfortunately, one of the things renters often ignore is the need for insurance. While they don't need to have a home insurance policy, renters insurance is something they should consider due to the protection it can provide. With the average renters insurance policy costing only $193 annually, it is an expense that should be a priority for the following reasons.

It Will Provide Protection For Personal Property

When you rent an apartment or home, the owner is the one responsible for purchasing the property insurance on the physical structure. In order to make this policy as affordable as possible to the owner, it will not cover any of the personal property that you currently have inside the dwelling. As a renter, you are responsible for purchasing an additional renters insurance policy that will cover your belongings.

If your rental apartment or home catches on fire, or there is a natural disaster such as a flood, you could lose all of your belongings. Without renters insurance, you would need to replace those things out of your own pocket.

It Will Pay For Emergency Living Expenses

One of the hardest parts about losing your home, even if you are renting, is getting back on your feet immediately. You will need to find a temporary place to live while you are searching for your next home, and those unexpected costs can quickly add up.

Renters insurance can cover all of these emergency living expenses that you would otherwise have to pay. This included the additional costs of living in a hotel, meals that you have to purchase because you do not have a kitchen, and new clothing that you needed immediately.

It Will Protect You From Liability Damages

Accidents happen unexpectedly, and when they do occur, they can have big bills that need to be paid. Your renters insurance policy will give you liability coverage in the event that an injury happens to another person at your home and they sue you for the damages. It could be from a slip an fall in your home, or even a dog bite from your pet.

A renters insurance policy is a small investment that can help provide protection when an accident occurs. Consider getting a quote from an insurance agent, like Advanced Auto Insurance, to find out how much it will cost for peace of mind.


27 March 2015